Aussie celebs celebrating Mothers Day 2021 with a new little human
There’s no doubt about it – being a mum is THE.TOUGHEST.JOB.EVER. The work starts the minute you find out that you’re going to be blessed with a new family member.
Sure, some people find pregnancy smooth sailing but growing a human sure takes some effort. Whether it’s battling with morning, afternoon or all-day sickness (or just that hangover feeling without the party), the indigestion (who believes in the hairy baby theory?), or the legs and arms that seem to wedge themselves into every little crevice possible, pregnancy comes with some challenges. And then of course, labour is generally no picnic.
Birth plan or nay, there’s bound to be some (?!?!) pain, some swearing and from time to time, an unexpected turn of events (we all know someone who gave birth in a car #notpartoftheplan).
But once that bundle is earth side and you glimpse into one another’s eyes for the first time or that little being wraps a brand-new wrinkly hand around your finger, the melting into motherhood begins.
With that second Sunday in May just around the corner, we love thinking about all of the mums that are going to experience a very special Mother’s Day in 2021.
ALFW star Moana Hope & her model wife Isabella Carlstrom
The very photogenic duo of Moana Hope and Isabella Carlstrom became a trio when they welcomed their first child in November 2020 (and in all honesty, they are more of a quad-squad given that Moana’s sister Vinny is already a very integral part of the clan).
The power-pair gave a hat tip to Isabella’s Swedish heritage by naming their daughter Svea (pronounced “Sve-ah”) and thanked Monash IVF for helping them to become a picture-perfect family.
Thanks to the ‘gram we’ve witnessed Moana giving Isabella (who carried and is breastfeeding Svea) massages and showering her with love, admiration and support. It’s certain that with two mums in the Hope-Carlstrom household, Sunday May 9th is going to be one helluva special occasion.
Model/dancer/actress/athlete Lauren Hannaford & Red Wiggle Simon Pryce
Surely welcoming a baby into a Wiggle household has to have its advantages. Lauren Hannaford (a Wiggle Dancer) and Simon Pryce (AKA the Red Wiggle) introduced their little boy Asher William to the world in January this year.
If performers like that can’t keep a little one entertained, what hope do the rest of us have? Lauren and Simon did a very on-trend gender reveal in October; jumping gleefully when the cutting of a cupcake confirmed they were expecting a boy.
We’re not sure what Simon will have in store for Lauren on Mother’s Day – maybe a personal performance of Jelly on a Plate, The Handwashing Song or Baby Shark (Simon: DO NOT DO THIS #nooffence).
Taylor Wilson & AFL Star Dane Swan
American beauty Taylor Wilson and her inked-up AFL footballer boyfriend Dane Swan welcomed baby boy Tait Hale Wilson Swan in February this year, after a reported 90-minute labour (#gettinitdone). The pair apparently had a lengthy discussion over the name of their baby boy, with Taylor winning in the argument. “Hale” is Dane’s mother’s maiden name, followed by a combo of their two surnames: Wilson Swan. Taylor, a yoga enthusiast might score herself a new mat or blocks for her first Mother’s Day or maybe Dane might find a spare bit of skin and commemorate the occasion with a new tattoo.
Former Miss Universe Jesinta Franklin and AFL star Buddy Franklin
There’s no doubt that a new baby can turn your world upside down, but when you’re a Miss Universe… is it the universe that goes with it?
It’s no doubt the universe was indeed spinning when the pair unexpectedly realised they would become parents again while the dust was still settling from their first! (If our maths is correct, Jesinta and Buddy conceived bub number 2, just four months after bub number 1).
Buddy and Jesinta (who have openly revealed they have experience the pain of multiple miscarriages) welcomed baby number two into their lives yesterday (cue: awhhh) making it just a 13 month age-gap between the newborn and their daughter Tullulah.
With what is surely going to be a chaotic cycle of nappy changes, feeding, entertaining and desperate attempts to get sleep cycles in sync, we’re hoping that Buddy finds some time to spoil Jesinta on Mother’s Day.
Australian wildlife warrior Bindi Irwin and Chandler Powell
We can’t help but love Bindi Irwin – ever since she was a little girl she exuded charm, charisma and confidence. So, we can only imagine how she will be as a mother when she gives birth to a daughter VERY VERY (like, this week) soon. The wildlife warrior and all-round-Australian icon (striding into the role after the passing of her father Steve in 2006, when Bindi was just 8 years old) has kept the world up to date with each stage of her pregnancy – comparing the size of her growing bub to a hummingbird or an Emu chick (now she is even well passed Tiger cub size).
Chandler, a professional wake-boarder, might need to tone down his love of extreme sports once he becomes a father. With the Irwin/Powell bubba due to be pretty fresh from the womb for Mother’s Day 2021, we’re certain that Chandler will spoil ‘our’ Bindi as much as she (and any new mum) deserves.
And from here at Little Shop HQ whilst I don’t really fit into the AFL star, insta-model and Aussie icon categories I still LURVE a good Mother’s Day celebration.
This year, it’s double the love after we welcomed baby Sia Earth side in July 2020. I’m hoping we can take our Mother’s Day 2021 somewhere outdoors (King’s Park come at me!) and just bask in sunshine and happiness.
If you're wanting to spoil and delight your mum (or drop a massive hint to you fam-bam) take a look at our Mothers Day Gift Box, all set and ready for pre-order now.